GA is a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in Fort Washington, PA

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At Germantown Academy, students are challenged, supported, 并以多种方式参与其中,从而获得一种转型的学习体验. 他们毕业时的个人能力远远超出了他们的想象.

Anything is Possible Starting Here

Our Mission

Today at GA


Sound Art by Third Grade is Everywhere!

三年级的学生在美术课上做了一个可能是他们最有趣的项目之一! 美术老师基利·詹宁斯以美国雕塑家和舞蹈家尼克·凯夫为原型设计了这个单元. 凯夫最初创造了他独特的艺术形式来代表一种“盔甲”。.


Experiential learning is staple of a Germantown Academy education. From students in the Lower School learning African dances, to Upper Schoolers completing their senior projects in the community, students are gaining knowledge in and out of the classroom. For the 7th Grade class and 8th Grade volunteers, 这个体验式学习项目包括前往诺里斯敦的达文波特小学.

Patriot Posts

Identifying Identity

Sarah Na最近在家长委员会会议上主持了一个MG冰球突破官网身份认同的研讨会, 然后在高年级监督了一个类似的活动,学生领袖们在那里进行了同伴促进的讨论. She answers questions about the activity – Step In, Step Out - and why she felt it was impactful and important.

Collaborative and Confident in Second Grade Showcase

这个项目最快乐的部分之一是当学生们发现他们的观众将是他们的父母.  The A-Z Library & 二年级学生准备好了,等待他们的父母到来,成为他们的学生.  Parents move from station to station, learning along the way, and getting an opportunity to practice many literacy skills.

A Leader in Engagement


MG冰球突破官网的教师已经与MG冰球突破官网的学生交往了260多年, how and why we seek to engage have evolved dramatically since our founding. Teachers and students now have equal, instant access to facts and content. 尽管教师不再是唯一拥有打开知识世界的钥匙的人, 在吸引MG冰球突破官网的孩子走向那个世界的过程中,有天赋的人仍然是不可或缺的. MG冰球突破官网的教师表现出真诚的热爱与他们的学生一起学习. This is 21st century engagement.


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126 Acres of Opportunity


2017 - 2021届的664名成员被选入美国和国外的183所不同的学院和大学.



GA's four all-weather turf fields make us a leader among regional schools.




GA's Middle School hosts more than 20 different clubs, including student government, Art Club, Green Ambassadors, Karaoke, and Coding.


MG冰球突破官网最初于1759年在费城的日耳曼敦地区成立. GA's current campus in Fort Washington opened in 1964.


GA举办与中国国家的高中学生和教师的MG冰球突破官网项目, Poland, England, Spain, France and Germany.


Annually, 375+ students from all three divisions play an instrument, from lessons on campus to performing in bands and orchestras.